Trish Belsham
Gruff Goats - Contemporary Dance
I'm dedicated to empowering women through movement. My background (short version) BA modern dance, performance and choreography. Further training in classical ballet, contact improvisation, clown work, somatic modalities, physical theatre (Growtowski), I hold extensive performance experience over many decades, awards of merit, and am a seasoned dance artist and teacher. I have written and produced several plays and published in poetry.
Trish's studio is always open to public viewing during rehearsals if you want to peek behind the vail. Her next performance is titled- MOUNTAIN MEETS CLOUD. A co-production with ArtsNow and opening at Maury Young, Whistler, Friday, Saturday on June 9, 10 at 8 pm. Tickets available.
Our Interview with Trish
Your favourite medium to work with + why?
The craft of the interdisciplinary performing artist gives access to an array of possibilities to source the appropriate technique during the creative process.
How does living in Pemberton affect your creative process?
There is no shortage of women eager to return to dance and performance as a haven for personal expression and for the opportunity to build a group comraderie dedicated to the challenge of artistic interpretation.
What is something you wish you would have known about your creative process or career earlier?
That it would be hard to find enough available time in a studio to work and venues to perform in. There really is enough venues, but they’re shut down or too expensive to rent; which is why my first full evenings work was produced in-house (in studio) and we sold out. But performers need to be in a larger space not ‘dancing on a dime’ and for the audience to be able to grow as we meet demand.
What is something unusual, unexpected, or that most people don't know about the creative work you do?
I am not interested in steps per se, but more aligned with a body of work that is forth coming from mining the depths of each performers talent and interest. Their embodiment is a direct reflection of the community they live in, which has huge value to our cultural health and well being.
What advice would you give to someone just starting out in the creative work you do?
Trust your body’s natural resources: Find your awareness in your breath. Be grounded energetically through your bodies sensations. Practice good alignment and explore your edge. Remember our primary and first language has always been movement. Ask: Who am I? And play with movement, sound, journal entries to explore for the sheer joy of it.